The presence and power of Christ in Word and Music

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.”  – Matthew 18:20


At Immanuel, we believe that worship is at the very heart of what we do as a congregation. Weekly worship empowers us to carry the Holy Spirit into the world in which we live and work. Confession, forgiveness, praise, prayer, and proclamation of the Word are integral to worship at Immanuel. Our worship is Christ-centered and reflects the heritage of our faith that is both Reformed and ever being reformed by the Holy Spirit.


We believe that Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are Sacraments, instituted by God and commanded by Christ. Sacraments are signs of the real presence and power of Christ in the church, symbols of God’s action. When we are washed in the waters of Baptism, we receive new life in Christ. When we eat the bread and drink the wine (grape juice), we receive the sustaining presence of Christ, we remember God’s covenant promise, and we pledge our obedience anew.

At Immanuel, we celebrate the Lord’s Supper during worship on the first Sunday of each month, and on other special days in the liturgical year. The elements of bread and grape juice are usually brought to worshipers in their seats, and on occasion, we serve Communion by intinction. Members of other Christian churches are welcome to join us in the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.


As Presbyterians, we believe that Baptism witnesses to the truth that God’s love claims people before they are able to respond in faith. If you are interested in Baptism for yourself or your child, please contact our pastor directly.

Members of other Christian churches are welcome to present their children for Baptism.



The four Sundays in Advent prepare us for Christmas and the celebration of the birth of Christ. For Christmas we have two services: one service for families in the afternoon, and one candlelight service in the evening. Special music is provided at both services led by Clay Whittington, Director of Music Ministries.


During Lent and Holy Week, we hold several worship services that commemorate particular events in the last days of Christ’s life.

— On Ash Wednesday, we offer Imposition of Ashes, an ancient Christian practice from the 10th century.

— On Maundy Thursday, the Lord’s Supper is celebrated by candlelight. In the Good Friday service we have prayer stations and Tenebrae (service of shadows).

— We observe Good Friday and the Saturday Great Vigil of Easter in alternating years. The Great Vigil of Easter is celebrated the night before Easter Sunday. The Vigil is a 90-minute service of scripture, prayer, music, renewal of Baptism, and the Lord’s Supper.


Easter Sunday begins with an Easter Sunrise Service and continues with two traditional Easter Services in the Church Sanctuary at our regular worship times.


Rev. Diane Christopher
Interim Pastor

Clay Whittington
Director of Music Ministries


8:30am Alternative Worship Service – features a band-led expression where we incorporate contemporary worship songs, time-tested hymns, and culturally relevant music across a wide stylistic range.

11:00am Traditional Worship Service – Led by the Sanctuary Choir, and accompanied by organ, piano, and frequently other instruments such as brass or string ensembles, violin, timpani, and percussion. We sing a wide variety of music, from traditional hymns, to spirituals, folk tunes and Taizé.  We also have a Handbell Choir that performs throughout the year.

Summer Worship One 10:00am Service – Beginning May 26, 2024 we will transition to our one combined service at 10:00am on Sundays until mid August.  This service incorporates both style elements of the alternative and traditional services.

Online and Streaming – Services are live-streamed and can be viewed anytime on our YouTube channel.



The help of volunteers in worship is vital, and you can be part of this important ministry. In addition to preparing the sanctuary for worship, volunteers serve as greeters, ushers, and readers; prepare communion elements; assist in seasonal decorating; and support worship as sound and video technicians. We welcome additional worship assistants at any time during the year.

To learn more, or to volunteer to serve on a team, contact Ed Vander Woude or Debby Johnson.