Registration Form – Please complete this form (parent/guardian signature required). Please email the completed form to Kris Goorsky at or bring it to church with you.
Registration Form – Please complete this form (parent/guardian signature required). Please email the completed form to Kris Goorsky at or bring it to church with you.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 2025 – Join us for the ultimate Alaskan adventure where True North always points to Jesus! Coming June 9 – 13. Click HERE for all the details and to register.
Sunday School – We offer Sunday School for kids of all ages on Sunday mornings during the school year. Activities encourage learning through fun lessons that highlight the theme’s Bible verse and story by way of art, games, science, stories, and music.
Time Together – Each Sunday all year during the second half of the worship service (after the children’s message), kids ages 3-5 years old are invited to participate in Time Together activities led by an adult teacher and helper. They meet in Towner Hall, Room 3 where parents can pick them up after the service. Activities include Bible stories, coloring, singing, crafts, and dancing.
Special Programs – We also have special events throughout the year such as Vacation Bible School, Trunk or Treat, Spring Carnival, Breakfast with Santa and the Children’s Christmas Pageant.
Children are welcome to join in anytime during the year. For detailed information about Christian Education classes and other related events at Immanuel, please contact Kris Goorsky, Director of Christian Formation at