The Voice of the Shepherd
Scripture: John 10:1-10 (NRSVue)
Jesus wants us to be paying attention. Two times in our passage Jesus will say, “Truly, truly, I say unto you.” Literally translated: “Amen, Amen, I say unto you.”
In many ways, this passage is a parable of what just happened in John 9 about Jesus’ healing of the man born blind. The thieves and robbers we’ll hear about are those religious leaders who said Jesus was a sinner because on the Sabbath he healed the man born blind. They didn’t understand what he was saying and doing. Those particular leaders wouldn’t believe Christ and cast out of the synagogue any who confessed Christ—including the blind man that was healed.
The sheep is the man born blind. He followed Christ and listened to his voice saying to Jesus “Lord I believe” and he worshiped him. He received healing and protection from Christ. He told the truth, even if it meant being thrown out of his community. He didn’t listen to the religious leaders who spoke against Christ.
The shepherd of the sheep is Jesus. He saw and healed the man born blind. He went out and found him after the man born blind was cast out of his community. Jesus indeed is the Good Shepherd.
Bible Study Questions
According to this passage (John 10:1-10):
1. What kind of leader is Jesus?
2. What kind of leaders are we to be wary of?
3. What kind of followers are we to be?
4. How do we follow Jesus?
5. Who do we listen to?
6. What kind of leader are we to be?
April 30, 2023 Worship Service
All of Immanuel’s Worship Services are available on our YouTube Channel.
– Alternative Worship Service Bulletin
– Traditional Worship Service Bulletin
Sermon Art: “The Good Shepherd” by Danielle Wilkerson
All of Immanuel’s sermons are available in our Library of Sermons
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