Staying Power
Scripture: James 5:7-10 (NRSVue)
Patience is not only a fruit of the Spirit, but it is also like a muscle. You build strength of patience slowly over time by regularly working it out. With time and practice your “patience muscles” can grow stronger. Not using them leads to atrophy. We can exercise our patience by looking to Christ, trusting in him, and waiting for his wisdom, direction, way forward, and return when the time is ripe. We can be patient with others and ourselves by being slow to anger and accepting. As James tells us, those who patiently wait we call blessed.
December 11, 2022
Bible Study – “Staying Power” James 5:7-10
Sermon Art: “Portrait of Patience Escalier” by Vincent Van Gogh, 1888 (Wikimedia Commons)
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Other Sermons In This Series

December 22, 2019

Advent Lessons and Carols
December 18, 2022

Knowing the Time
November 27, 2022