Calm in the Storm and Calming the Storm
Scripture: Luke 8:22-25 (NRSVue)
Storms have a regular part to play in the earth’s weather systems. In the same way, emotional windstorms and spiritual squalls inevitably arise in often surprising ways in different seasons of our earthly lives. These storms come in quite a variety of forms–health scares, the loss of people and things we dearly love, difficulties in relationships, financial hardship, the list goes on. Jesus doesn’t promise that we won’t go through storms, but he promises to be with us in the storms and to calm us in the storm, until it subsides. Jesus isn’t so interested in our comfort as he is in “taking us to the other side,” to new, different, and unfamiliar places. Our test is to trust in Christ, that he will pilot us through the choppy waters, to believe that he will calm the tempests that rage within us, lead us to where we need to go and help us grow in our reliance upon him. We never choose or want storms, but when they do arise, they teach us to trust in Christ in much deeper ways than we ever have in the past.
August 21, 2022 – Worship Service Bulletin
Sermon Art: Jesus Calming the Storm, Pictorial Bible of Abbey of St. Bertin, French, 1190-1200
All Immanuel sermons are available in our Library of Sermons
Other Sermons In This Series
The Tenacity of Tenderness
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Hardiness: The Spiritual Benefits of Adversity
September 25, 2022
Called to Freedom
August 27, 2022