"Spine Vertebrae Art" by Koby Feldmos

Nerves and Pain: Trusting God When It Hurts

Scripture: Psalm 6:1-10 (NRSV)

Nerve signals travel at about 270 miles per hour. The message of pain these signals send are often crucial to our survival, reminding us not to walk barefoot on hot cement or letting us know something’s wrong—physically or emotionally, so we can rest and heal. We do well to listen to our pain. There’s some pain that’s pleasurable—like aching muscles after a good hike or the pain of slipping into piping hot jacuzzi waters that hurt, then soothe. But as we know, pain covers pretty much any bad experience we might go through in life—anything from a bullet wound to back pain, to the heartache of a broken relationship.

Psalm 6 teaches us how to turn our pain into prayer and an opportunity to praise and find hope in a seemingly hopeless situation.


May 2, 2021 Online Service Bulletin and Bible Study

Sermon Art: “Spine Vertebrae Art” by Koby Feldmos (artist’s permission)

All of our sermons are available in our Library of Sermons.



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