Lungs and Breathing: Inspiration and Exultation

Lungs and Breathing: Inspiration and Exultation

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (NRSV)

This week we begin a new series entitled The Beauty of the Body. Each week we’ll look at a different facet of the human body and then liken it to our faith as individual Christians and collectively as the body of Christ.

This week we’re taking a closer look at the lungs and breath. Each day, quietly and steadily, both night and day, you breathe in and breathe out about 20,000 times, processing roughly 4000 gallons of air—depending upon your size and activity levels. You take about 7.3 million breaths per lap around the sun. And over an average lifetime, you’ll draw about 550 million breaths. Exercise strengthens the lung’s ability to get oxygen into our bloodstream. The more you exercise, the better your body can get oxygenated.

In our Scripture reading, the Apostle Paul tells us that by the grace of God, regular spiritual exercise and discipline help get our faith in shape—to be a living, breathing active faith. We’re saved by grace, but a practicing faith entails the same devotion and discipline as athletes in training. Let’s hit God’s gym my fellow spiritual gym rats!


April 11, 2021 Online Service Bulletin, Bible Study

Sermon Art: “Lung Flower” art board print from Redbubble

All of our sermons are available in our Library of Sermons.



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