Loving to the End

Loving to the End

Gospel Reading: John 13:1-17, 31-35 (NRSVue)

Jesus knew what he needed to do. He knew his mission like the back of his hand. He knew his hour had come. He knew it was going to be difficult. He knew that all things had been entrusted into his hands by the Father—even the smelly feet of his disciples. He knew he would be leaving this world and that he was returning to the Father. And so… he loved. He arose from the supper table. Laid aside his outer garments. Took a towel and tied it around himself. Poured water into a basin. Descended, knelt down and washed his disciples’ feet and dried them, too. Jesus washed all twelve disciples’ feet. Jesus washed Judas’ feet—his betrayer. He washed Peter’s feet—who would deny him three times. All of the disciples deserted Jesus—yet he washed all twenty-four of their feet. And Jesus lovingly washes our feet, knowing full well who we are. And we are made clean.


“Jesus Revolution” Film Trailer: https://youtube.com/watch?v=2166EJ-B5E8

Featured Art: “Crown of Thorns,” Sue Anderson, Immanuel Presbyterian Church




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