Go Out in Joy, Led Forth in Peace
Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-13 (NRSVue)
The prophet Isaiah invites us to imagine God’s peace in unlikely places. Trees clap their hands. Joy grows where sorrow once reigned. A world torn by enmity, strife, and despair blossoms back to abundant life. Whenever the church gathers for worship, we are assured of Christ’s peace. We celebrate that we are connected, we are loved, and we are not alone. We worship together and are fed from Scripture and at Christ’s table of peace. After the feast God has prepared for us, we are sent out carrying the joy rekindled in worship and challenged to take the peace of Christ into our world.
October 2, 2022
8:30am – Alternative Worship Service Bulletin
11:00am – Traditional Worship Service Bulletin
Bible Study – “Go Out in Joy, Led Forth in Peace” (Isaiah 55:1-13 NRSVue)
Sermon Art: World Communion Sunday Art, Presbyterian Church USA
All Immanuel sermons are available in our Library of Sermons
Other Sermons In This Series

Future Dreams
October 01, 2023