From Grumbling to Gratitude
Scripture: Psalm 100:1-5 (NRSV)
A Psalm of thanksgiving.
Gratitude is good for you. A lifestyle of gratitude has been proven to make you: more patient and better at making wise decisions. Gratitude increases the chances that you’ll have healthy habits in your life: namely exercise, healthy eating, going to the doctor. Gratitude helps you appreciate and care for what you have. Having trouble sleeping? Count your blessings—not sheep. Grateful people tend to be healthier and happier. Yet studies show that 80% of human thoughts (about 48,000 a day) are negative! Come take a closer look at how we might receive some divine help to make the stewardshift from grumbling to gratitude.
Sermons by Dr. John C. Tittle are available in our Library of Sermons.
Other Sermons In This Series
From Grasping to Generosity
January 26, 2020
From Neglect to Nurture
February 16, 2020
From Glory to Glory
February 23, 2020