Appalachian Winter, a Cantata for Christmas
Dear Immanuel Family and Friends,
The Appalachian chain of mountains in eastern North America has afforded generations of persons who have lived near them, or travelled to them, an opportunity to experience their majesty and grandeur. In doing so, they have witnessed the glory of God, our Creator. The range extends from central Alabama all the way into southeastern Canada. Settlers to this vast region, including Native Americans and later, Europeans, brought with them their rich traditions, which included their music.
Many of these tunes comprise Joseph Martin’s cantata, Appalachian Winter, which leads us from the Advent season, a time of waiting and longing, to a celebration of the birth of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. “Fear not, said he, for mighty dread had seized their troubled mind, ‘glad tidings of great joy I bring to you and all mankind.” JOY HAS COME TO EARTH “Joy to the world, the Lord is come. Let earth receive her King.” The message of joy that the coming of Jesus has brought to the whole world cannot be denied. Indeed, “He rules the world with truth and grace, and makes the nations prove the glories of His righteousness, and wonders of His love.”
And so it’s with great anticipation and joy we present to you “Appalachian Winter: A Cantata for Christmas.” We look forward to celebrating the coming of the Christ child with you at both services in the Sanctuary!
In Comfort and Joy,
Pastor John
Sunday, December 17, 2023
3rd Sunday of Advent
by Joseph M. Martin
Immanuel Presbyterian Church
Directed by Clay Whittington, Director of Music Ministries
~ Prelude
~ ‘’Tis a Season for Singing
~ Long Time Ago, Lucy Cable, soloist
~ Hope and Expectation
~ Carol of the Winter Wind, Tim Bacchus, Becky Diebold, Jeff Hotchkiss, trio
~ Mountain Carol
~ Gentle Carols of Bethlehem
~ While Shepherds Watched
~ A Rustic Star Carol, Becky Diebold, soloist
~ Children, Go Tell It on the Mountain
Gabriel Albertus, percussion
Jonathan Cain, cello
Cameron Mannor, mandolin/banjo
Dr. Andres Pantoja, guitar
Sandra Russell, flute
Susan Hendrix Swanson, violin Carol Van Gelder, piano
(Sopranos Altos Tenors Bass)
Jordayn Bailess, Susan Barnes, Sue Anderson, Tim Bacchus
Britnee Cable, Lucy Greenleaf, Jeff Hotchkiss, Curt Christy
Becky Diebold, Joy Hager, Tim Swanson
Lily Wood, Bob Van Gelder
Kieryn Zizzo
Other Sermons In This Series

December 22, 2019

Abounding in Hope
December 04, 2022

Staying Power
December 11, 2022