All Together in One Place
Scripture: Acts 2: 1-21 (NRSVue)
Pentecost marks the birthday of the church. Jesus told the disciples that he would send another Comforter after his ascension. They were to wait in Jerusalem for the promise of the Father. There was no doubt the Spirit arrived when the believers were all gathered together in one place: the sound of a mighty rushing wind, the sight of tongues of fire, and the ability was given to the gathered believers to miraculously proclaim God’s glory in human languages they never studied. Pentecost is not just for our Pentecostal brothers and sisters, we Presbyterians and all followers of Jesus need the Holy Spirit’s divine and mysterious empowerment to be transformed and continue Christ’s ministry on earth to all people.
– 10:00am Summer Worship Service Bulletin
Bible Study Questions:
1.) Have you ever traveled where you did not speak the language? What was it like? How did it feel if you ran into an English speaker?
2.) Pentecost was a Jewish harvest festival (Deut. 16:9-10). Why do you think God waited until then to give the Spirit?
3.) Why did God pour out the Holy Spirit?
4.) What was it that got the attention of the people at Pentecost?
5.) How does being filled with the Holy Spirit relate to bearing witness to Jesus?
6.) Did they all speak one language? Or did they speak many languages? What does this say about how God views the different cultures, nations, and peoples?
7.) Would you have responded like the people in v.12 or v.13?
8.) Have you ever experienced the power of the Holy Spirit in a special way or felt empowered to witness or to act? When are you most aware of the Holy Spirit?
9.) How is Peter different in this scene compared to how he responded to Christ leading up to the cross?
10.) Why is Peter quoting the Old Testament? Why do you think he chose that passage in Joel?
11.) What does this passage in Joel say about who the Spirit works amongst?
May 28, 2023 – Pentecost Sunday
Sermon Art: “Pentecost” from Rabbula Gospels, Syrian, c. 585 Florence, Laurentian Library
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Other Sermons In This Series
The Holy Spirit and Pentecost
June 05, 2022
Tongues of Fire and Water from the Heart
May 31, 2020