Abounding in Hope
Scripture: Romans 15:4-13 (NRSVue)
This week we’re looking at how our patience can be seasoned with steadfastness and hope, particularly in the challenging episodes of our lives. The good news is that Christian hope has hope in even hopeless circumstances because the God of hope is our unlimited source of encouragement, hope, and perseverance, accessible at all times, even when we are empty. Divine steadfastness fueled by the Holy Spirit helps us to have joy and peace in our believing, even in the midst of pain and uncertainty. This goes to the very core of what faith is about. So, together, with one heart, one voice, and the same attitude as Christ, let’s continue to look to the God of hope, continue to scour the Scriptures for encouragement, continue to keep praising God and giving thanks, and continue receiving and extending forgiveness to one another. Joy will come in the morning. That’s what we’ve been created for. That’s what Christians do, by the grace of God.
December 4, 2022
Sermon Art: “Hope” by Arlene Woo, hawaiiwatercolorsociety.org
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Other Sermons In This Series

December 22, 2019

Appalachian Winter, a Cantata for Christmas
December 17, 2023

Staying Power
December 11, 2022