Sunset in Saguaro National Park West, Tucson, Arizona

Immanuel Presbyterian Church
9252 E. 22nd Street  (map)
Tucson, AZ 85710
(520) 296-2253

Sanctuary Worship Services 

8:30am Alternative Worship Service
11:00am Traditional Worship Service

From May 26, 2024 to mid August, we will have one combined worship service at 10:00am.  This service incorporates worship styles from both our alternative and traditional services.

All services are live-streamed and can be viewed anytime on our YouTube Channel.

Sunday School and Time Together

Sunday School Classes for all ages are held Sunday mornings from 9:45 – 10:45am.  We break for the summer from the end of May to mid August.

Time Together for children ages 3-5.
Each Sunday after the Children’s Message in church, kids ages 3-5 years old are invited to participate in Time Together.  This special activity time is led by two teachers.  The children sing, read bible stories, play games and do fun crafts together.

Youth Group

For 6th–12th graders. Held on Sunday nights from 5:00–7:00pm and includes dinner, games and bible study. Fun outings too such as bowling, skating, parks and community outreach projects. Breaks for the summer and returns mid August.

Discovering and Displaying Christ In Here and Out There

A Mission Statement is so much more than a sign on a wall or a phrase on the letterhead or homepage. Its purpose is to remind us of who we are and what we are to do as followers of Christ.

Christ is literally and figuratively at the center of our mission and purpose. The Christian life involves not only proclaiming Christ in word and deed, but also discovering what the living Christ is “up to” in the church and in the world.

Church isn’t so much a building, but something that we are (the Body of Christ) and something we do together, collectively and individually, as we’re sent out into the world with the good news of Christ.


~ Christ is at the heart of all we do.

~ We make room to belong, explore, ask questions, and hold a variety of Christian convictions.

~ We creatively engage the culture without being political, polarizing, or pandering.

~ Our perspective is holistic—ministering to body, mind, and spirit—in word and deed to the individual, family, church, society, and world.

~ We’re cross-generational.

~ We exist for and have a purpose beyond ourselves in mission, evangelism, and justice.

~ We strive to be generous and wise stewards of everything entrusted to our care.

~ We seek to incorporate healthy spiritual practices to help us grow in Christ (i.e. prayer, study, service, play, fasting, etc.).

~ We’re open to change, innovation, and growth as the Spirit leads us.

~ We haven’t arrived yet, but we’re moving forward. We’re a people in process and transformation into the likeness of Christ more and more.

~ We’re shaped by the Triune God, Scripture, prayer, the Reformed faith, and the collective wisdom of the church and culture over the ages that rings true with Christ.

~ Our programs and procedures are crafted to honor and foster healthy relationships.

~ We seek to equip, empower, and encourage one another in the work of Christ.

What I love most about Immanuel …

is the friendly, welcoming atmosphere, people caring and praying for each other, as well as, growing in faith together, and serving in the community. The sermons are always scriptural and interesting. They provide a history and the resources to help us understand the context, as well as, how to apply the scriptures to our world today. The services also include a delightful Children’s Moment, taught by our Christian Education Director, which includes a special visual and often fun lesson following the theme of the sermon. Another highlight of the service is the uplifting music with a variety of styles sung, a variety instruments used, as well as, two bell choirs performing on some Sundays. It is such a joy to attend church at Immanuel.

— J. Eddy

On September 1, 1964, the Rev. Richard Ohden began ringing doorbells of prospective members, as he set out to organize a new church, Immanuel United Presbyterian Church of Tucson, Arizona. The Rev. Mr. Ohden, appointed as the organizing pastor by the Board of National Missions and the Presbytery of Southern Arizona, led the first worship service at Marshall Elementary School on October 18, 1964. The first Sunday school was also held there on January 1, 1965.

One year later, on October 31, 1965, Immanuel was officially organized with 82 members. The members officially elected and installed the Rev. Richard Ohden as pastor. The Session met at his home, at 632 S. Camino Seco, for that year.

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