Death brings loss, sorrow, and grief to all. In the face of death, Christians affirm with tears and joy the hope of the gospel: the resurrection—life after death. The resurrection is a central doctrine of the Christian faith and shapes Christians’ attitudes and responses to the event of death. As Christians, we do not have to bear bereavement alone. We are uplifted by the Holy Spirit and sustained by our community of faith. The church offers a ministry of love and hope to all who grieve.
When a loved one dies, many decisions must be made in a short period of time. Because it is difficult under emotional stress to plan wisely, we encourage you to discuss and plan in advance your arrangements so that your wishes may be fulfilled. We hope that our memorial planning documents are a helpful resource to you.
Immanuel Presbyterian Church maintains a Memorial Garden as a sacred place on our campus for the perpetual memory of loved ones. This columbarium holds cremated remains in separate engraved niches. We also have a wall of memorial plaques to honor loved ones. The garden is a place of peace and tranquility where all are welcome to go for prayer and meditation in seeking God’s Presence.
Our Memorial Garden is a witness to our faith, and a part of our ministry and life together. It is available to members and friends of Immanuel as a fitting place to remember loved ones. The Garden is open for visiting on Sundays during worship hours, and during office hours Monday – Friday.
A copy of our Memorial Garden Brochure is available below or in the church office. For further information about the Memorial Garden, or to discuss the purchase of niches or plaques for you or your family, please contact Kate Kelly in the church office at (520) 296-2253 or email at
People often want to express their support in a tangible way for those who have experienced the loss of someone special to them. Over the years, memorial gifts for members and friends of the congregation have supported many ministries of Immanuel Presbyterian Church. If you would like memorial gifts to be designated to the church, please note your wishes in your planning documents.